2009年6月21日 星期日

Jin Ho Coins (景和錢)

Jin Ho Coins(Chinese;景和). Just like other Coins of Chinese South & North Dynasties, Jin Ho Coins was very light and thin. The Jin Ho reign title only implement three months. Hense the Coins were issued in a small amount.
The Jin Ho Coin at attached pictures were full with green mold. The words of Jin Ho were kept very clear and there is additional "-" on the Chinse word of "Ho" . That is major distinguishing feature of Jin Ho Coins.

Jin Ho Coins(Chinese;景和). 就像其他南北朝錢幣一樣,景和錢相當輕且薄. 景和錢只發行3個月即停鑄,因此發行數量並不多. 上圖之景和錢,錢面佈滿綠銹,字體也保留相當清晰可見. 另外景和錢之特色是其和字中多一橫,請泉友細細品味.

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖)

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖;see picture 1),Minted in A.D. 579 in the period of Emperor Xuan (A.D.569~583). It circulted alongside the Wu Zhu, and the beginning it had the same value as 10 Wu Zhu.

By the way, there is reverse with moon veins and "Liu Zhu" without Tai Huo two words(we call it "waive words" coins) have been found(please see the attached picture 3~4). Per "Chinese Ancient Coins Album-A" written by Mr. Hua-Guang Pu and Essays of Mr. Luo Bozhuo, only a few specimens of above coins are reported to be in existence.

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖),南北朝陳宣帝十一年,西元579年始鑄太貨六銖,該錢幣初行時一當五銖錢十枚. 另外太貨六銖有發現背"月紋"及錢文僅有"六銖",而無"太貨"的省文錢,依據華光譜著之中國古錢大集甲本以及羅伯昭先生錢幣文集所載,此兩種版式錢幣均少見.