2009年6月21日 星期日

Jin Ho Coins (景和錢)

Jin Ho Coins(Chinese;景和). Just like other Coins of Chinese South & North Dynasties, Jin Ho Coins was very light and thin. The Jin Ho reign title only implement three months. Hense the Coins were issued in a small amount.
The Jin Ho Coin at attached pictures were full with green mold. The words of Jin Ho were kept very clear and there is additional "-" on the Chinse word of "Ho" . That is major distinguishing feature of Jin Ho Coins.

Jin Ho Coins(Chinese;景和). 就像其他南北朝錢幣一樣,景和錢相當輕且薄. 景和錢只發行3個月即停鑄,因此發行數量並不多. 上圖之景和錢,錢面佈滿綠銹,字體也保留相當清晰可見. 另外景和錢之特色是其和字中多一橫,請泉友細細品味.

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖)

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖;see picture 1),Minted in A.D. 579 in the period of Emperor Xuan (A.D.569~583). It circulted alongside the Wu Zhu, and the beginning it had the same value as 10 Wu Zhu.

By the way, there is reverse with moon veins and "Liu Zhu" without Tai Huo two words(we call it "waive words" coins) have been found(please see the attached picture 3~4). Per "Chinese Ancient Coins Album-A" written by Mr. Hua-Guang Pu and Essays of Mr. Luo Bozhuo, only a few specimens of above coins are reported to be in existence.

Tai Huo Liu Zhu(太貨六銖),南北朝陳宣帝十一年,西元579年始鑄太貨六銖,該錢幣初行時一當五銖錢十枚. 另外太貨六銖有發現背"月紋"及錢文僅有"六銖",而無"太貨"的省文錢,依據華光譜著之中國古錢大集甲本以及羅伯昭先生錢幣文集所載,此兩種版式錢幣均少見.

2009年5月10日 星期日

Tian Ming Tong Bao (天命通寶)

Tian Ming Tong Bao (天命通寶)
By Learner
May 10,2009

In the early stage, Manchu people is living in east-north of China and living in a nomadic lifestyle. Till Nurhachi, he fights with other race and united the Manchu people finally and built the Manchu state outside the Shanhaiguan Pass in Year 1616. His resign was titled as Tian Ming (it means heavenly mandate) and was first Emperor of Qing Dynasty. In the Tian Ming period (1616~1627), Nurhachi has issue Tian Ming Tong Bao in Chinese (Please see the picture 1&2) and old-style Manchu characters (3&4) at the same time. Tian Ming Tong Bao with Manchu characters was read from left-right to top-bottom: “Abkai fulingga han jiha”. In the picture 5, I also show the Manchu characters of Tian Ming Tong Bao with duplicate words. Such kind of coins really are special and interesting. Don’t you think so?


XIAN FENG TONG BAO—the coin issued by the ninth Emperor of Qing Dynasty (咸豐通寶)
By Learner
May 10, 2009

The ninth Emperor reign was from 1850 to 1861 titled as Xian Feng. In year 1852, the Taiping armies launched the northern expedition and approached to Beijing. The Qing regime was tottering under the domestic troubles and the foreign invasion. At that time, he appointed the Minister Su Shun(Chinese;肅順) and other courtiers to rescue the finance. Meanwhile, he had to rely on Zeng Guofan (chinese;曾國藩) and other landlord armed forces to put down the Taiping rebels. In year 1858, UK and France launched the Second Opium War and captured Guangzhou. In year 1859, the Da Gu Battery near Tianjin was been take over. After the Anglo-French expedition attacked Beijing in 1860 (10th year), he had to sign a few unequal treaties with Russia, USA, UK and France etc. He died of an illness in his summer capital at Re-he in 1861 at the age of only 30. Form above, it making me feel sad that weak country will be bullied by stronger without any reason. I think is just a real world.
XIAN FENG TONG BAO was issued by this period (1831~1861). Due to Tai Ping Tian Guo (the Tai-ping Rebellion) broke out in the early stage of Xian Feng, the Qing government met a serious difficulty on finance and economy, and had to issue high-value coins to make up the expenditure. It causing there are various styles and values of coins by using different metals include copper, iron and lead made the coinage chaotic. Due to this background, the coins collection for the Xian Feng is most interesting of the Qing coins.

Shun Zhi Tong Bao (順治通寶)

Shun Zhi Tong Bao-- issued by the third Emperor of Qing Dynasty (順治通寶)
By Learner
May 10, 2009

Let’s talk about the Emperor Shun Zhi first. Shun Zhi was the ninth son of Emperor Abahai (Huang Tai Ji). Shun Zhi was his reign title from 1643 to 1661. At his age of six, he ascended the throne. In the meantime, he decided to enter the Shanhaignan Pass and defeated the peasant anti-Ming uprising Li Tzu-cheng and moved the capital to Beijing. After then, the Qing Dynasty government sent armies to attack the Southern Ming royal pretender, and issued the decrees of the enclosure and the Haircut. In the 7th year of Shun Zhi (1650), he concentrate his effort in the government officials and carried out the policy of reclaiming waste land. In addition, he continuously sent his armies to the Southwest China to put down the anti-Qing rebels. Unfortunately, he died of an illness in the 18th year of his reign (1661). At that time, he was only 24 years.
SHUN ZHI TONG BAO is the coin issued by Emperor Shi Zu. There are 5 series that description as following:The first is with a plain reverse or a star legend like ancient coins.(Please see the picture 1)The second is with some single words which show the names of more than 20 mints.The third is added the legend Yi Li (i.e. 0.1% of a tael), indicating the value in silver to the left, and on the right side is the name of the mint(totally)17 mints).The fourth was issued from the mints attached to the Board of Revenue and the Board of Works at Peking with Manchu characters.Bao Quan and Bao Yuan respectively.The fifth is the Coins have the name of the mint on the reverse in Chinese to the right, and a Manchu letter to the left.(Please see the picture 2 ~ 4)

2009年5月9日 星期六

Da Chi Wu Zhi (Chinese; 大吉五銖)

Da Chi Wu Zhu(Chinese;大吉五銖)
By Learner
May 9, 2009

Da Chi Wu Zhu(Chinese;大吉五銖) were private minted in the period of Chinese Southern and Northern Dynasties. Per "Chinese Ancient Coins Diagram" written by Mr. Fu-Po Din, only a mold of Da Chi Wu Zhu was reported to be found in Year 1935(please reference attached picture 3).Mr. Din has state that he was not sure if real "Da Chi Wu Zhu" were existence or not. Fortunately, the real "Da Chi Wu Chu" has been founded finally(Please see the attached picture 1 and 2).
大吉五銖為南北朝私鑄錢,根據丁福寶先生所著之"歷代古錢圖說",大吉五銖於民國24年僅有發現其錢範,至於是否有鑄錢則不得而知. 很幸運的,大吉五銖錢幣實體有被發現(請參見圖1及圖2)

Other Version of Sichuan Rupee(其他版式之四川盧比)

Low silver percentage; hand hammer; For temple using purpose; circulate at west China(陝甘一帶)

For temple using purpose; 里塘長青(彌勒)春科(法輪)爾寺;黃教大寺; with Lamasery stamp.